A Good Rehearsal
< Two days before the first day of class, I walked to the classroom where Theories and Techniques would be meeting. I was delighted to find out it was not even five minutes away from my office so the convenience of moving from one role - teacher to student would be easy, almost effortless. I’d just take off my tie and walk 200 steps, plus or minus an elevator, depending on how ambitious I was feeling. On the first day of class, I felt emboldened by my rehearsal and stayed in my “teacher” persona until ten minutes before class. I had, after all, rehearsed to ensure that the transition of slipping back and forth between identities and realities would be as seamless and simple as possible. As I walked over I checked to see if the teacher had updated the course learning management system. She had! There was a syllabus. I arrived in Klug Hall. Still with 8 minutes before class. Plenty of time. I walked to the end of t...