We're Kind of a Big Deal.

Daniel and I have just finished the little film we shot a few years ago -- Multilevel Relationship - and been going to some film festivals.

Probably the most fun was our road trip to Baltimore for the Maryland Film Fest. Pretty much the whole experience was great. 

Watching some great films, eating at some great restaurants, long walks, wild schemes and hanging out in the filmmakers tent. The filmmakers tent was a lavishly maintained reminder that filmmakers rock. Wine, cheese and hors d'oeuvres at all hours. Non-stop press interviews of the really big deal filmmakers (just to remind those of us just entering this level of the stratosphere of how far we yet had to go

A whole unexpected chapter included connecting to long lost cousins who drove across state lines to see Multilevel. We had some great fun, and ended up enjoying their fantastic hospitality in DC at the end of our trip.

 I'm gradually blogging many of the films we saw at the fest - check out my film blog if you're interested. And Multilevel Relationship is still in submission to a few more festivals, but once we're satisfied that it's coming to the end of it's festival life-cycle, it will find a life here on the internet.


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