Blurry Hazy Indistinct

I stumbled upon an old Story last night and it reminded me exactly why I chose today's thing of value.  Here's a snippet from the story.   

 After a night of strange, twilight zone coincidences,  I needed to see something true.  I snuck out my door on the fourth floor of my stoop at the crooked lookout and peered in the window of the maybe-empty window next to mine.  A perfectly inverted version of my life but with no furniture or paintings or unfinished dishes.  

When I turned around  I was startled.  

A perfectly formed "V" of geese flew slowly past at eye level.  

It was at that moment that I realized: my whole life I have been yearning toward the part of my life where I would finally have found a mountain to ascend where I could sit and wait for searchers to climb and we would have complicated conversations and I would ask provocative questions and then answer their heartfelt queries with riddles and parables that sat in their memories like fulginous windows that may eventually yield clarity. 

What an absurd thing to write!  That as a seer I would "answer their queries with riddles and parables that sat in their memories like fulginous windows that may eventually lead clarity?"

But it's true.  

That is exactly what I have been yearning for.  

For whatever reason, I have always been drawn to images that are blurry or hazy or indistinct.  In some ways perhaps their abstraction draws the attention away from the content and toward the form?  A more appreciative mode of attention can bubble forth?  Away from the destination and more toward the movement - toward?  playfulness over dogma?  process over outcome?  "maybe" over "definitely"?   Or maybe it's a metaphor for my own preference for the undecided moment before the leap from the towering diving board, my ability to see an endlessly equivalent list of pros and cons emanating from any diverging set of options.   And acknowledging that there is a beauty in the haze itself.

I love images that are Blurry, Hazy (and/) or Indistinct.



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